Co-written and directed by Jeffrey Jay Fowler and Chris Isaacs, ‘Fag/Stag’ is a captivating, hilarious, and surprisingly tender two-hander centring best mates Jimmy and Corgan as they navigate the messy events leading up to Corgan’s ex’s wedding.
Presented by The Last Great Hunt and performed at Studio Underground at the State Theatre Centre of WA, this is a story you’ll want to hear both sides of. Set against a familiar Perth/Boorloo backdrop, ‘Fag/Stag’ is unflinching in its exploration of masculinity and male friendships. Told through a duologue by two spiralling, unreliable narrators, the audience bears witness to both sides of a story where contradictory perspectives and experiences ask us to consider how pain manifests differently in each of us.
Jimmy, played by Will Bartolo, is a sweet, loveable, queer man plagued by dangerously low self-esteem and the scent of melon air-freshener. He is simultaneously selfless and selfish, and he is Corgan’s best friend.
Corgan, played by Shaun Johnston, is in many ways Jimmy’s opposite; straight, upper-middle class, and hegemonically masculine. He is emotionally reserved and wickedly competitive.
Despite their differences, the friends share a tenderness for each other that persists throughout a whirlwind of self-destruction. The show is dynamically paced, leaning into humour, mundanity, and expertly timed silences to highlight critical emotional beats. The minimal stage design – a set of chairs and tables – is brought to life by theatrical, shifting lighting that beautifully directs the audience’s focus. In many ways, the oscillating duologue and lighting give a musical, rhythmic quality to both actors’ incredible performances.
After all, ‘Fag/Stag’ is a story that dances around the point, the elephant in the room, the things that hurt, and the dancefloor of a friend’s wedding. It shows us how shame constricts and construes, and how ache and desperation disconnect us from ourselves.
Honest, funny, and told with twice the passion, it’s no wonder that ‘Fag/Stag’ is an award-winning show.