Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Bruce Mutard | 06 February 2022

It is hard to believe, but Frankie Fatale's raunchy, intelligent, sex-positive, feminist and funny strip-as-artform shows are getting better all the time. And she's already Australia's #1 stripper. No 'only way down' from the top here; Frankie just pushes the bar higher, or the ceiling, or the sky.

In the cloistered confines of The Gold Digger, no matter where you sit, you're close to the action as Frankie dons her many roles as ringmaster, pussycat, flamingo and all around wonderful human being.

The audience were super loud in their whooping, hollering and clapping, supporting her every turn on the pole, the lyra ring, the chair, the floor getting wet to the beat of (course) WAP. She deserved every bit of the audience's love and she gave it all in return, except to some douche blokes who I think were not prepared to be roasted for leaving mid-performance - you have to cross the performance floor to do this - and get more beer.

Frankie being the goddess she is, brought out several of Perths other fabulous burlesque and drag performers to strut their stuff while she did costume changes.

There was long-limbed, high-powered Flynn Vincent shedding their coat to Muse's 'Uprising'; Danisa Snake shedding their skin in an very exotic evocation of her transformation as a person, and then Lotta Lamour as a Zebra, hilariously to a David Attenborough nature documentary about its mating habits, then standing up and asserting her right to be herself (and to strip) to the most 'strip' music you can get: Motley Crue (I think).

If you haven't seen one of Frankie's shows, you're already clicking on 'buy tickets' if I've done my job in this review. If you have seen her, then you will do the same and see her show again because she's addictive in the best way possible: love. (Cue Robert Palmer).