Customer Reviews:
2 reactions
Recycle that, would see again
Recycle that, would see again
Greatest of all time
Greatest of all time
Sexy fringe show
Sexy fringe show
No idea what I just saw
No idea what I just saw
See all customer reviews
Greatest of all time
“Greatest of all time”
Outstanding. Very professional. Very entertaining. A great show to take children to as well as teens. The way he made items magically appear was something and we were in the front row. A must see at the Fringe.
Reviewed by Benjamin B.
07 March 2024
Greatest of all time
“Greatest of all time”
In the span of two minutes, I lost count how many cool tricks I saw. You’re still in disbelief from the last trick before he pulls another one on you again. The self-deprecating comedy style was entertaining and kept the show fresh in between tricks.
Reviewed by Nate L.
06 March 2024
See all customer reviews for Martin Brock presents - PROBABLY THE COOLEST, FUNNIEST AND MOST MAGICAL MAGIC SHOW IN TOWN!
Reviewed by: Fringefeed
Review by Joy Norton | 21 January 2024

As grown-ups, we don’t get wonderstruck very often. Magician Martin Brock had his audience in awe, asking (at times audibly) “How did he do that?”


Unafraid to laugh with you at the archetype of his profession, Brock dazzled the audience with a countenance both charming and witty.


While you won’t see a rabbit be pulled out of a hat, you will see storytelling come to life with a blend of card-work and physical vanishing (and reappearing) tricks that will have you wondering whether Brock has mastered manipulating elements themselves.


The audiovisual effects are seamless and we have come a very long way from handkerchiefs being pulled from coat pockets. Expect sophistication in this act that will have the most cynical parts of you become suspended if you only let them for this moment.


Audience participation was fun, engaging and enhanced the show as the audience members were disarmed by seeing what looks and feels like real-life magic up close and personal. This magician has honed his craft and you owe it to your inner child to see this show and remember what wonder feels like.